At M4 Recruitment we are committed to our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Policy which aims to embrace responsibility for the Company’s actions and through its actions, encourage a positive impact on the environment, consumers, employees, communities, stakeholders and all other members of the public sphere who may also be considered as stakeholders. Our CSR policy covers our commitment to focus on:

  • Our Employees
  • Our diversity record
  • Our behaviour as an employer
  • Our behaviour as a purchaser of goods and service
  • Our behaviour as a provider of recruitment services
  • Our Corporate Governance Policies
  • Our Community
  • Dignity at Work
  • The Environment

Our policy is to act in a socially responsible manner, taking into account relevant social and environmental factors and to promote this attitude across the market. We believe that these attributes will help us attract and retain top level staff and help us grow within the industry.

We as a Company believe that every little helps and therefore are taking responsible actions to minimise climate change. Our impact on the environment is an objective directed by the top levels of management.

We define our social responsibility into four key areas:

  • Stakeholders 
Responsibility to our clients, candidates and suppliers as a leading recruitment and consulting company
  • Employees/Workplace
 Commitment to what we regard as our most valuable resource: our employees
  • Environment 
Doing all we can to reduce our impact on the environment. M4 Recruitment is a Carbon Neutral company. Certificate available on request
  • Community
 Ensuring that each of our offices are an active partner in the communities in which we are located.


At M4 Recruitment we take into account the interest of all our stakeholders including our employees, clients and suppliers. Our reputation is one of our key assets and we strive to adhere to the highest standards of integrity, personal conduct, ethics and fairness.

We seek to:

  • Treat all employees with dignity and respect and provide opportunities for all employees
  • Ensure to the personal safety of all our staff
  • Be honest and fair to all our employees, clients and suppliers
  • Ensure we provide the standard of service which has been agreed
  • Always consider ethical and environmental obligations in all purchasing activities
  • Not to offer, pay or accept bribes or favours
  • Pay suppliers in accordance with agreed terms


At M4 Recruitment we acknowledge that the foundation of the Company’s success is our employees. We are committed to building a work place culture in which our employees are recognised. Each member of staff receives a structured training and development programme and a personal development plan based on their individual needs and aspirations within the industry. Our Company policies comply with all relevant legislations and we seek to exceed the minimum standards required. We encourage diversity and equal opportunities in the workplace.

The main employment policies within our organisation include:

  • Recruitment
  • Health and Safety
  • Diversity and Equal Opportunities
  • Anti-discrimination
  • Family Friendly Working
  • Anti-Bribery and Corruption
  • Modern Slavery

M4 Recruitment is committed to creating a working environment which is free of bullying and harassment and where everyone is treated with dignity and respect. M4 Recruitment have a strict policy, which all staff must follow and we do not tolerate bullying or harassment of any kind.

The health and safety, welfare and wellbeing of our employees is of paramount importance to the Company. We have a detailed health and safety policy statement which is held in all branches and made available on the Company’s internal system. We ensure all branches comply with health and safety legislation.

As responsible employer, operating in a number of ‘at risk’ sectors we are committed to tackling modern slavery, ensuing vigilance in our processes to identify hidden labour exploitation and protect our workforce. As members of the Stronger Together initiative, all our employees receive training and ongoing support to ensure awareness and provided the tools needed to identify and deter exploitation within our company.


We are proud to be a Carbon Neutral Company. One of our key business objectives is to minimise our Carbon Footprint and any negative impact on the environment.

As part of this objective, we are committed to:

  • Implement programmes to reduce waste, conserve resources and prevent pollution. Across all our branches we aim to reduce our energy consumption and waste.
  • Meet or exceed the requirements of relevant legislative, regulatory and environmental codes of practice
  • Encourage our suppliers to implement good environmental practices and procedures which support our objectives and where possible purchase products made from renewable and ethically sound sources.
  • Monitor and review our environmental policy regularly to see if our processes can me amended further to reduce our impact on the environment.


We strive to work alongside the local community and aim to make the communities in which we work better places to live and do business. We offer work placements for local schools and have earnt our Disability Friendly Employer Certification so we can offer work experience to those who may require more support.

Following our pledge to be a carbon neutral company we aim to be sensitive to the local community’s culture, social and economic needs and protect and preserve the local environment across all of our branches.

At any occasion we try to be involved with charity fundraising events, including Macmillan Cancer Support, Red Nose Day Appeal and Naomi House Children’s Hospice.

We regularly meet to think of new ways to involve the local community at each of our branches.